Pelargonium sidoides, commonly known as African geranium, is a medicinal herb. It is also sold under the brand name Umckaloabo as a plant-derived pharmaceutical.
Pelargonium sidoides is very effective for treating acute bronchitis. It increases the body’s natural healing rate. Studies have found that 40-60% of patients suffering from acute bronchitis fully resolve their symptoms within a week of Pelargonium sidoides supplementation. Some people reported experiencing benefits after just two to three days. People that are not cured after a week still experience benefits from Pelargonium sidoides supplementation, since it can treat the symptoms associated with bronchitis, including headache, fever, fatigue, cough, chest pain while coughing, sputum in the lungs, rhonchi, and nasal dripping.
Preliminary evidence suggests Pelargonium sidoides can reduce the duration of the common cold, while treating symptoms. It may also provide benefits for people suffering from lung disorders, by alleviating flare-ups in symptoms.
Pelargonium sidoides has anti-infective properties. It prevents bacteria from adhering to cells, helps fight viruses and stimulates the immune system to hunt down invaders.
Pelargonium sidoides may be able to fight Helicobacter pylori infection, which is the stomach bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Pelargonium sidoides may also reduce the replication of the herpes simplex virus.
Clinical research indicates that umckaloabo, alone or in combination formulas, may be beneficial for reactive airways, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, upper respiratory infections, pharyngitis, acute sinusitis, acute bronchitis, and immune function.
An extract from rhizomes and tubers—ethanolic extract EPs 7630 (Umcka) is an approved drug for acute bronchitis in Germany. Primary active ingredients include highly oxygenated coumarins (e.g., umckalin) and polyphenolic compounds. Umcka uses a three-pronged approach in acute bronchitis: it (1) enhances immune function; (2) is antimicrobial—antimycobacterial and antiviral—and inhibits attachment of bacteria and viruses to mucous membranes of respiratory tract; and (3) acts as an expectorant. EPs 7630 at 100 mcg/mL interferes with replication of seasonal influenza A virus strains (H1N1, H3N2), respiratory syncytial virus, human coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, and coxsackievirus, but not highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (H5N1), adenovirus, or rhinovirus. EPs 7630 induces reduction in Bronchitis Severity Score (BSS), which includes coughing, expectoration, chest pain, dyspnea, and wheezing from baseline versus after 7 days of treatment. In clinical studies with Umcka in 2500 adults and children, adverse events occurred on par with placebo and involved mild gastrointestinal complaints and skin rashes. There were no known drug interactions.