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The adrenal glands are stress glands; they regulate the mechanism that helps the body cope with stress. They produce mother hormones for the body and indirectly control all bodily functions. When your hormones function properly, everything in the body will function properly and you don’t get sick. The adrenals work closely with the thyroid gland. They are like Siamese twins. One can’t function without the hormones/steroids from the other.


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This formula helps the body to maintain normal blood sugar levels. The ingredients have a long list of credits to help people balance blood sugar without negative side effects. This formula may also help normal cholesterol and regulate the digestive system.


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Chaste Tree Vegetarian Capsules from Breakthrough Essentials Professional Solutions is a vegetarian supplement that could alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This product might ease menopausal complaints and also balance the estrogen-progesterone ratio in the body.


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It has been sent for many years that all disease starts in the gut. Every time there is input into the body there should be output through the colon 30 minutes later. Colon clean is a wonderful herbal combination that can help accomplish that by improving digestion as well as elimination. It increases the peristaltic action of the colon, thus moving the waste.


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This is one of the most therapeutically active medicinal plants in Chinese medicine. It has traditionally been used to combat fatigue, enhance vitality, and promote longevity. It has a warm sweet flavor and is used as a tonic, expectorant, anti-asthmatic, and sedative. It is rare and highly prized in China and used to only be available to emperors.

Showing 85–105 of 149 results

  • Kids Bronchial Formula


    Lovage can help loosen phlegm in the lungs, improving airflow, breathing, and oxygen intake. Yerba clears mucus, relieves coughing, and speeds up the healing of urinary tract infections. Licorice root amplifies the effect of this herbal formula and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Mullein has been used traditionally as a remedy for the respiratory tract, including bronchitis….

  • Lecithin


    Lecithin provides natural nutrients that make up the protective sheaths surrounding the nerves throughout your body. It helps produce also helps important neurotransmitter!

    • Supports the nervous system.
    • Supports healthy circulatory system function.
    • Supports glandular system


    Lipo-Complex is an enzymatic digestive aid formulated primarily to support digestion of proteins and fats; however, the pepsin and pancreatic enzyme components also support digestion of carbohydrates. Raw liver is added to support liver function.

    There are many harmful proteins in the body, called “fibrin”. This is a protein that is a non-food. It hides in the body and needs to be digested. Taking these enzymes on empty stomach makes it where they don’t get used up for food digestion.

  • Liver Detox


    This is a gentle liver tonic containing lengths of herbs that are rich and antioxidants and that support a healthy liver function. It contains an abundance of bitter substances that promote gastric and Salisbury juice creations and stimulate the release of bile from the gallbladder and the liver.

  • Lobelia


    Lobelia is an expectorant, diaphoretic, and bronchodilator and helps break down congestion and thin mucus. As an antispasmodic it can also be applied topically for tight muscles. Dr. John Christopher stated that Lobelia is one of the greatest herbs in the world. Herbalists state that in can act as a “thinking” agent which goes to whatever part of the body is ailing and addresses it, often in conjunction with other herbs. Dr. Christopher considered that Lobelia would help correct the entire bodily system, as it is easily diffused and utilized.” It is often used in conjuction with St. John’s wort to help people who want to stop smoking.

  • Lomatium


    Great antiviral for times of risk to overcome and to keep a strong immune system.

  • Lymph Tonic


    Liquid herbal extract traditionally used for its natural abilities to support the lymphatic functions. Helps remove cellular waste Aids in the drainage of lymphatic system

  • Maca


    Comes from the Peruvian rainforest and has a long use for its strength building and stamina promoting effects and for the enhancement of sexual function and fertility.

  • Magnesium Complex

    Naturally Chelated Magnesium
    Magnesium is distributed in the body as 70% in the bone and 30% in the soft tissues. It is absolutely necessary to life in that it acts as a coenzyme in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as a factor in neuromuscular contraction, and as an aid in regulating acid-alkaline balance. It aids in the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium and in the utilization of vitamins B, C, and E. Magnesium may be important in regulating body temperature.
  • Magnesium Potassium Complex


    Magnesium is needed for more than 500 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps adjust blood glucose levels and is necessary for protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, and blood pressure regulation . It contributes to the…

  • Marshmallow


    Marshmallow root has been well known for its benefit as a home remedy for sore throat. Marshmallow root contains certain compounds like antitussive that could help in decreasing the irritation that occurs in the throat. Marshmallow root could help in improving the function of digestion and as the final result your body metabolism is also improved when all nutrients are absorbed optimally, and all cells are oxygenated completely.

  • Men’s Silver Prostate Comples


    This formula contains Saw Palmetto Berry, Red Root, Fresh Nettle Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Fresh Turmeric Root, and Dong Quai. Saw Palmetto may help treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) — a medical condition characterized by a slow, noncancerous yet abnormal enlargement of the prostate.

  • Mental Master


    Memory trouble? Think Mental Master:.

    • Supports memory, concentration and brain function
    • Supports the circulatory and nervous systems
    This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


    Moringa oleifera is a plant that is often called the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree.

    Moringa has show great promise for your health with its numerous active constituents. It benefits cell health, as well as circulatory health, mental health and more.

    This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  • Myrrh Gum


    has been used to Reduce Headaches, relieve pain, is good for gum health, and is highly antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. As such it can help relieve joint pain. It is also used as an anticancer agent and for candida Infections. Myrrh is considered antifungal and may be used for toenail fungus. It may be beneficial in preventing Diabetes, as infection Control, and for respiratory health, muscle aches, and menstrual cramps, to improve liver health and soothe gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Natrum Muriaticum


    Homeopathic relief of headaches, colds, heartburn, gastric upset and distress.Nat. Mur., (Natrum Muriaticum) the water-distributing cell salt, helps the body balance and better distribute its fluids.¹ It is ideal for relief of symptoms of headaches, colds, and heartburn.¹ Nat. Mur. plays a role in the production of hydrochloric acid and is also helpful for symptoms of gastric upset and distress.

    Cell salts satisfy mineral imbalances in the body, stimulating the body’s natural healing process. When your body lacks these important cell salts, you are more vulnerable to common health concerns. By replenishing them, your body is better prepared to treat illnesses and enjoy better overall wellness. Nat. Mur. is derived from sea salt (sodium chloride). Sodium chloride is essential to life, yet the effects of excess salt intake can lead to dryness and many other symptoms resulting from the body’s effort to compensate for dry tissues. Nat. Mur. helps the body resolve diverse issues usually with a connection to dryness.¹
    A great remedy for dry mouth.Nat mur has been historically used for:

    Headaches & migraines

    Chronic allergy and hayfever



    Thyroid dysfunction – hyperthyroid, hypothyroid and thyroiditis

    Digestive issues – stomach pain and diarrhoea


    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Back pain and sciatica


    Skin diseases – eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, herpes (shingles, cold sores and genital herpes), impetigo and warts



    Multiple sclerosis

    Bell’s palsy

    Parkison’s Disease

  • Natrum Phosphoricum


    Homeopathic relief of indigestion, gas, and hyperacidity. Nat Phos addresses acidity anywhere in the body and balances the pH (excess of uric acid or lactic acid etc.) This salt regulates the balance of fats and acids in the body at all levels.
    Nat. Phos. can stimulate the body’s ability to break down the acids and restore a natural balance without slowing digestion or neutralizing the acids needed to digest food.

  • Natrum Sulphuricum


    Nat Sulph is well known to provide relief from flu, rheumatic pains, nausea, vomiting, eliminates water, bags under the eyes. It is called the water eliminating cell salt.

  • Nootropic Focus


    Featuring a wonderful blend for memory and focus:

    • Provides important nutrients that nourish the nervous system
    • Supports blood circulation and neurotransmitters in the brain
    This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • Olive Leaf


    The Olive tree is one of the most robust disease resistant plants. Olive leaf is known to withstand a variety of diseases resulting from colds, flus and other viral diseases;  Fungal, mold and yeast infections, bacterial infections (major and minor) and parasitic infections.  Even HIV infected patients have demonstrated improvement in their immune system function as indicated by an increase in T cells.



    Oregano: The antioxidants thymol, carvacrol, limonene, terpinene, ocimene, and caryophyllene give the herb its flavor and scent give the herbTrusted Source