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    Cramp bark is a plant that grows in North America. Historically, Native Americans used cramp bark as medicine; that is how it got it’s name “cramp” bark.

  • Kava Kava


    Kava kava  Is a Polynesian staple in their traditional medicine. It has numerous scientific studies show it effectively reduces both general and menopausal anxiety and improves restlessness and insomnia.

    It is used throughout Germany for relieving nervous anxiety, stress, and restlessness and is commonly recommended as an alternative to drugs such as valium.

    Kava kava appears to act on the limbic system of the brain, primarily associated with feelings, emotions, instincts, and drives. It has been shown in laboratory studies to be a powerful muscle relaxer.

  • Potassium



    Nutritional Support for Cardiac Bio-Electric System
    Potassium works with sodium to help regulate fluid balance within the body, support the cardiovascular system and muscular system. It is necessary for normal growth, to support nerve impulses for healthy neuromuscular function and to preserve alkalinity of body fluids. It also assists in the conversion of glucose to glycogen, cell metabolism, enzyme reactions and synthesis of muscle protein from amino acids in the blood. It unites with phosphorus to send oxygen to the brain.