Showing all 2 results

  • Chaste Tree


     Chaste tree has a progestogenic effect on the body and on the pituitary gland.  This helps to balance ovarian estrogen and progesterone production during the monthly cycle thus reducing the effects of PMS.  It may also be beneficial for infertility depending on the cause of the problem. If taken for a few months the benefits accumulate and benefit symptoms like abdominal bloating, breast swelling and tenderness, depression,  irritability, fluid stagnation in the knee joints, and skin problems that can all be related to PMS. Chaste trees can help to balance irregular menses as well and relieve complaints such as acne and migraines due to monthly cycles.  In some cases, it has even corrected problems with breastfeeding by stimulating the production of breast milk.

  • Red Clover, Organic


    Red Clover has gained popularity for women going through the change of life as well as men developing urinary problems as they get older. In the book “Back to Eden”, Jethro Kloss talks about the mail man who was given a short time to live due to abnormal cells. Jethro collected red clover for his mail man and he lived to a ripe old age.