Showing all 5 results

  • Black Cumin Seed Oil Organic


    If you are struggling digestive problems or any other stomach problem, black cumin seed oil may help, due to its function as a carminative. It has also been linked to more efficient digestion and improved elimination [2]



    Cramp bark is a plant that grows in North America. Historically, Native Americans used cramp bark as medicine; that is how it got it’s name “cramp” bark.

  • Digest-ease alcohol free


    Many people have problems digesting foods, whether due to stress or insufficient digestive juices. This formula may provide relief for the digestive system.



    A great herb for digestive problems, stomach upset and gentle enough for little ones.



    Lipo-Complex is an enzymatic digestive aid formulated primarily to support digestion of proteins and fats; however, the pepsin and pancreatic enzyme components also support digestion of carbohydrates. Raw liver is added to support liver function.

    There are many harmful proteins in the body, called “fibrin”. This is a protein that is a non-food. It hides in the body and needs to be digested. Taking these enzymes on empty stomach makes it where they don’t get used up for food digestion.