
B17, also known as amygdalin, is a substance found naturally in over 1200 different foods including the seeds of many fruits (such as apricots, plums, cherries, oranges, nectarines, apples and peaches) and many kinds of raw nuts. Our natural B17 supplement is extracted from apricot seeds.
Vitamin B-17 was the name given to the purified form of this molecule by biochemist Ernst T Krebs in 1952. The synthetic form of B17 is called “laetrile” and while it is chemically similar to B17, they are two different compounds.
Why is B17 Important?
A balanced diet is essential to a healthy life, and few of us consume enough vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. B17 contains powerful immunity-boosting properties to strengthen your body’s natural defenses.

If you are struggling digestive problems or any other stomach problem, black cumin seed oil may help, due to its function as a carminative. It has also been linked to more efficient digestion and improved elimination [2]

Devil’s claw can be a potential remedy for inflammatory-related conditions, such as joint, foot, sinus and nose problems during certain times of year.

Supports the glandular and circulatory systems Conveniently provides the body with important fatty acids

Nourish your joints with an authentic formula featuring a blend of herbs traditionally used to support the joints and overall structural health.
- Nutritionally supports the structural system
- May help provide joint support and promote flexibility
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Kava kava Is a Polynesian staple in their traditional medicine. It has numerous scientific studies show it effectively reduces both general and menopausal anxiety and improves restlessness and insomnia.
It is used throughout Germany for relieving nervous anxiety, stress, and restlessness and is commonly recommended as an alternative to drugs such as valium.
Kava kava appears to act on the limbic system of the brain, primarily associated with feelings, emotions, instincts, and drives. It has been shown in laboratory studies to be a powerful muscle relaxer.

Lobelia is an expectorant, diaphoretic, and bronchodilator and helps break down congestion and thin mucus. As an antispasmodic it can also be applied topically for tight muscles. Dr. John Christopher stated that Lobelia is one of the greatest herbs in the world. Herbalists state that in can act as a “thinking” agent which goes to whatever part of the body is ailing and addresses it, often in conjunction with other herbs. Dr. Christopher considered that Lobelia would help correct the entire bodily system, as it is easily diffused and utilized.” It is often used in conjuction with St. John’s wort to help people who want to stop smoking.

Nutritional Support for Cardiac Bio-Electric System♦
Potassium works with sodium to help regulate fluid balance within the body, support the cardiovascular system and muscular system.◆ It is necessary for normal growth, to support nerve impulses for healthy neuromuscular function and to preserve alkalinity of body fluids. It also assists in the conversion of glucose to glycogen, cell metabolism, enzyme reactions and synthesis of muscle protein from amino acids in the blood. It unites with phosphorus to send oxygen to the brain.

Potassium is an essential mineral that is needed by all tissues in the body. It is sometimes referred to as an electrolyte because it carries a small electrical charge that activates various cell and nerve functions. It is an essential mineral for the urinary, musculoskeletal and circulatory system. Potassium is a mineral that your body needs to work properly. It is a type of electrolyte. It helps your nerves to function and muscles to contract. It helps your heartbeat stay regular. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out of cells. Potassium helps to offset some of sodium’s harmful effects on blood pressure.

Delivering 50 parts-per-million potency, Silver Bullet gel is our best-selling topical supplement. Discover the power of silver.
- Provides powerful, broad-spectrum support
- Bioavailable silver nano-particles that guaranteed safe

This formula contains Chanca Piedra, which has a wonderful reputation to help break up stones/calcium deposits. The name literally means “Stonebreaker”. Calcium out of solution in the body may result in joint problems, hardening of the arteries/high blood pressure, Uric Acid is also a form of calcium out of solution due to diet and thus…

Trace minerals are a critical element to provide energy at cell level. They put the spark in your eye and keep the engines running in your body.

This turmeric formula gets you of to a good start in the morning with overall relief of physical discomforts, to get you moving.

Aging many times causes joint discomforts. This turmeric formula may provide relief for those individuals who are looking for natural solutions.