
contains tannins that are astringent, helping to tone and heal inflamed or damaged tissues when applied topically. When taken internally it is useful for treating anemia, and chronic diarrhea. Black walnut is also beneficial for hemorrhoids.
It has anti-parasitic activities and is used to expel a variety of intestinal parasites, worms, and yeast. Typically, it is used to kill ringworm in China it is used to kill tapeworm with reported success.

Cayenne/Capsicum has a warming strength. It stimulates digestion and enhances blood flow. Cayenne Liquid Herb is a natural and pure extract. Topically it may stop bleeding.
- Provides digestive and circulatory support
- May help improve overall circulation
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

When you are green inside, you are clean inside. Chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants, is often referred to as the “blood” of the plants. Chlorophyll has been found to contain very similar constituents as the hemoglobin found in the human red blood cells. The following is a list of possible benefits to be gained…

It has been said for many years that all disease starts in the gut. Every time there is input into the body there should be output through the colon 30 minutes later. Colon clean is a wonderful herbal combination that can help accomplish that by improving digestion as well as elimination. It increases the peristaltic action of the colon, thus moving the waste.

Many people have problems digesting foods, whether due to stress or insufficient digestive juices. This formula may provide relief for the digestive system.

A great herb for digestive problems, stomach upset and gentle enough for little ones.

Lipo-Complex is an enzymatic digestive aid formulated primarily to support digestion of proteins and fats; however, the pepsin and pancreatic enzyme components also support digestion of carbohydrates. Raw liver is added to support liver function.
There are many harmful proteins in the body, called “fibrin”. This is a protein that is a non-food. It hides in the body and needs to be digested. Taking these enzymes on empty stomach makes it where they don’t get used up for food digestion.

Liquid herbal extract traditionally used for its natural abilities to support the lymphatic functions. Helps remove cellular waste Aids in the drainage of lymphatic system

Homeopathic relief of headaches, colds, heartburn, gastric upset and distress.Nat. Mur., (Natrum Muriaticum) the water-distributing cell salt, helps the body balance and better distribute its fluids.¹ It is ideal for relief of symptoms of headaches, colds, and heartburn.¹ Nat. Mur. plays a role in the production of hydrochloric acid and is also helpful for symptoms of gastric upset and distress.
Cell salts satisfy mineral imbalances in the body, stimulating the body’s natural healing process. When your body lacks these important cell salts, you are more vulnerable to common health concerns. By replenishing them, your body is better prepared to treat illnesses and enjoy better overall wellness. Nat. Mur. is derived from sea salt (sodium chloride). Sodium chloride is essential to life, yet the effects of excess salt intake can lead to dryness and many other symptoms resulting from the body’s effort to compensate for dry tissues. Nat. Mur. helps the body resolve diverse issues usually with a connection to dryness.¹
A great remedy for dry mouth.Nat mur has been historically used for:
Headaches & migraines
Chronic allergy and hayfever
Thyroid dysfunction – hyperthyroid, hypothyroid and thyroiditis
Digestive issues – stomach pain and diarrhoea
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Back pain and sciatica
Skin diseases – eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, herpes (shingles, cold sores and genital herpes), impetigo and warts
Multiple sclerosis
Bell’s palsy
Parkison’s Disease

Homeopathic relief of indigestion, gas, and hyperacidity. Nat Phos addresses acidity anywhere in the body and balances the pH (excess of uric acid or lactic acid etc.) This salt regulates the balance of fats and acids in the body at all levels.
Nat. Phos. can stimulate the body’s ability to break down the acids and restore a natural balance without slowing digestion or neutralizing the acids needed to digest food.