Shigella Nativa The active ingredients of N. sativa have beneficial effects against many diseases, including cancers. For example, it is effective in the diminishing the risk of atherosclerosis by decreasing the serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level and increasing the serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (Dahri et al., 2005; Nader et al., 2010); it exerts therapeutic and…

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The Unsuspected Thyroid Another undiagnosed epidemic in the infertility department is hypothyroidism. Of course they checked your thyroid and everything was “normal”. Normal doesn’t mean healthy. Let me explain “normal” to you. Throughout the year, people go to their doctor for various complaints. Your doctor runs blood work and the information is collected. After a…



The Unsuspected Cause Worldwide, about 10% of couples who desire to have children are afflicted with infertility. In about half of the cases (40%–50%), the semen is the issue, with either poor quality or low volume. Agarwal A, Baskaran S, Parekh N, et al. Male infertility. Lancet. 2021;397:319-333. There has been a striking decrease in semen…

CALC PHOS for Bones

Calcium phosphate 6x aka Calcarea phosphorica aka Calc-phos for short is a mineral salt ‘absolutely essential to the proper growth and nutrition in the body. This salt is found in the blood plasma, saliva, gastric juices, BONES, connective tissues, teeth, milk, etc. It gives solidity to bones.’ (Boericke and Dewey) When there is an imbalance…

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Rhodiola is considered to be an adaptogen as it increases the body’s reilience to the following stressors: Ballmann CG, Maze SB, Wells AC, et al. Effects of short-term Rhodiola rosea (golden root extract) supplementation on anaerobic exercise performance. J Sports Sci. 2019;37(9):998-1003. doi:10.1080/02640414.2018.1538028 Laboratory studies indicate that the mood-enhancing effect of rhodiola appears to be…

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Pelargonium sidoides, commonly known as African geranium, is a medicinal herb. It is also sold under the brand name Umckaloabo as a plant-derived pharmaceutical. Pelargonium sidoides is very effective for treating acute bronchitis. It increases the body’s natural healing rate. Studies have found that 40-60% of patients suffering from acute bronchitis fully resolve their symptoms…

FOLATE – Folic Acid

FOLATE – Folic Acid

Folate is the Natural source; Folic Acid is synthetic. Folate is an essential member of the vitamin B complex family that is naturally present in grains, green leafy vegetables, and liver. Folic acid and the L-methylfolate derivative are synthetic supplemental forms that have higher bioavailability (1). Folate is important for cell growth and division, and is…



We do not know the exact nutritional composition of chaga mushrooms. However, they are rich in antioxidants and several beneficial plant compounds, includingTrusted Source: It is available as a supplement, but people also typically use chaga mushrooms to make teas and other infused drinks. This means that chaga infusions often do not have the same…