Bronchial Syrup


Black cherry for colds, the bark seems to work as an astringent, drying up secretions and mucus. Osha is an antibacterial and antiviral herb, best known for its ability to soothe a sore throat, treat a cough, and relieve inflammation of the bronchial tubes. For a fever that won’t go away, it could promote sweating and help kick out the flu virus before it has a chance to turn full-blown. Many constituents in thyme team up to provide its antitussive (preventing and treating a cough), antispasmodic, and expectorant (thinning the mucus to allow for coughing out) actions. The primary constituents are volatile oils, which include phenols, thymol, and carvacrol. Licorice root benefits a sore throat or cough immensely as an effective expectorant, helping to loosen and expel the mucus that a cough is trying to remove.

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Black cherry for colds, the bark seems to work as an astringent, drying up secretions and mucus. Osha is an antibacterial and antiviral herb, best known for its ability to soothe a sore throat, treat a cough, and relieve inflammation of the bronchial tubes. For a fever that won’t go away, it could promote sweating and help kick out the flu virus before it has a chance to turn full-blown. Many constituents in thyme team up to provide its antitussive (preventing and treating a cough), antispasmodic, and expectorant (thinning the mucus to allow for coughing out) actions. The primary constituents are volatile oils, which include phenols, thymol, and carvacrol. Licorice root benefits a sore throat or cough immensely as an effective expectorant, helping to loosen and expel the mucus that a cough is trying to remove. Its soothing, demulcent, and anti-inflammatory properties can provide quick relief from a sore throat. It also is very beneficial in any formula as it improves the function of the whole. Grindelia is used for allergic reactions to poison oak, anti-bacterial, anti-spasmodic, calming, and expectorant actions. Often called Gumweed because of its milky sap, which Native Americans used on poison ivy rashes and saddle sores, as well as coughs, colds, and tummy aches. Slippery elm is taken orally to relieve coughs, sore throats, diarrhea, and stomach problems. It is very soothing for a sore throat and as such is sold in many throat lozenges. Peppermint Research suggests that peppermint oil can help clear the respiratory tract and relieve cough symptoms. That’s because menthol thins mucus loosens phlegm and breaks up coughs, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Make some peppermint tea, which is considered a natural cough remedy. Peppermint also helps soothe sore throats. White Pine is an expectorant, meaning it helps to loosen up mucus in order to cough it up and get rid of it. It is a circulatory stimulant, has antimicrobial properties and is a mild diuretic. White Pine is very specific for the lungs, chest, and respiratory system and can greatly help coughs. Yerba Santa contains chemicals that are thought to loosen mucus in the chest and may increase urination. Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and increases circulation. Ginger works by inhibiting the contraction of the respiratory airway. It helps in stimulating the secretion of mucus thereby helping you to deal with a dry cough. It also contains antioxidants, which help in clearing toxins from the throat and respiratory tract, thereby relieving cough. Horehound is an expectorant herb, meaning it helps loosen bronchial secretions and eliminate mucus. More. Expectorant herbs help loosen bronchial secretions and make the elimination of mucus easier. Menthol helps cool the airway passages and soothe the throat.


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