UT Balance


Uva Ursi Leaf supplements made from the leaves of uva ursi have been used as a natural therapy to help treat cystitis (bladder infections) and UTIs.The plants contain natural chemicals with infection-fighting properties, called glycosides and arbutin. Glycosides are helpful in reducing the bacteria in your urine. Your body transforms glycosides into hydroquinone, a compound with antibacterial properties. Uva ursi also contains tannins, which can have an astringent (drying) effect on your tissues.

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Uva Ursi Leaf supplements made from the leaves of uva ursi have been used as a natural therapy to help treat cystitis (bladder infections) and UTIs.The plants contain natural chemicals with infection-fighting properties, called glycosides and arbutin. Glycosides are helpful in reducing the bacteria in your urine. Your body transforms glycosides into hydroquinone, a compound with antibacterial properties. Uva ursi also contains tannins, which can have an astringent (drying) effect on your tissues. Uva ursi has also been used topically (to the surface of the skin) because it chemically produces hydroquinone, which is a substance that is used in skin-lightening creams. Hydroquinone is prescribed for the treatment of dark skin patches that develop due to skin damage. Another study found that “the antibacterial and astringent benefits indicate that uva ursi can effectively treat and prevent urinary tract infections, suggesting this herb can be helpful in treating urinary incontinence.”

Uva ursi is also known for its diuretic properties—this refers to the body’s ability to flush out fluids, which helps rid the bladder of disease-causing germs. E.Coli is a type of bacteria that commonly causes UTIs in females. Research has suggested that uva ursi can help prevent E. coli as well.  Nettle Leaf may help flush harmful bacteria from the urinary tract. This can benefit people who have urinary conditions, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)., Dandelion Root paired with uva ursi, may help prevent urinary tract infections. It’s believed this combination works because of anti-bacterial compounds in uva ursi, and the increased urination associated with dandelion., Juniper Berry has antiseptic action, is anti-bacterial, anti-yeast, anti-fungus, dissolves stones, is a blood purifier, cleanses debris from kidney filters, and may prevent UTI (urinary tract infection). Fresh Marshmallow Root is very soothing, healing, and anti-inflammatory in urinary conditions, Horsetail Herb is an herb that has historically been used as a diuretic to make you urinate more frequently. Diuretics affect the kidneys, increasing the amount of water and salt released into the urine. For people with kidney problems, getting rid of unwanted fluid and salt can be an important part of treatment., Fresh Ginger Root improves circulation in this formula and is also anti-inflammatory.


This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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