Olive Leaf


The Olive tree is one of the most robust disease resistant plants. Olive leaf is known to withstand a variety of diseases resulting from colds, flus and other viral diseases;  Fungal, mold and yeast infections, bacterial infections (major and minor) and parasitic infections.  Even HIV infected patients have demonstrated improvement in their immune system function as indicated by an increase in T cells.



The Olive tree is one of the most robust disease resistant plants. Olive leaf is known to withstand a variety of diseases resulting from colds, flus and other viral diseases;  Fungal, mold and yeast infections, bacterial infections (major and minor) and parasitic infections.  Even HIV infected patients have demonstrated improvement in their immune system function as indicated by an increase in T cells.

It shows to have remarkable effects it affects against antibiotic-resistant infections, including bladder, herpes and fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, thrush, vaginal yeast infections, and stubborn toenail fungus. It is particularly effective in the treatment against Candida and chronic yeast infections, reversing almost all symptomology.

It is remarkably anti-viral against viruses such as coxsackie, cytomegalovirus, encepthiomyocarditis, e.coli, herpes, HIV,  Newcastle disease, salmonella, vesicular stomatitis, leukemia and polio.

It also provides permanent relief from malaria, dengue fever,  and other tropical diseases.

Reports indicate that it also relieves the debilitating symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein bar and fibromyalgia.

On top of all those benefits it has shown to be a successful treatment in lowering blood pressure and inhibits the oxidation of LDL  cholesterol, which helps prevent the formation of plaque on the arteries that cause heart disease.

It exhibits potential as an Anti-inflammatory for problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation of the lungs and respiratory tract.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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