

Comes from the Peruvian rainforest and has a long use for its strength building and stamina promoting effects and for the enhancement of sexual function and fertility.

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Comes from the Peruvian rainforest and has a long use for its strength building and stamina promoting effects and for the enhancement of sexual function and fertility.

It is used for anemia, menstrual disorders, menopause, mental clarity, stomach cancer and tuberculosis as well as improve memory, reduce stress and improve physical strength.These days some of these uses continue specifically for impotence and erectile dysfunction. Due to its rich source of sterols it is a safe and natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

It has been shown to increase semen volume and total sperm count as well as motile sperm count and sperm motility.  It has demonstrated improved fertility effects on both ovaries and testes.  It acts on the hypothalamus pituitary gland, which explains why both male and females are affected in a gender appropriate manner.

It is of benefit for chronic fatigue syndrome, menopause symptoms of hot flashes, depression and vaginal dryness. Maca is a great support for both thyroid and adrenal function; two glands that control most bodily functions.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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